Newsletter n. 6/22 – To fill the “sea” of Christendom

Syntyche writes to Jesus:

“I speak to them,
I excite in them the desire to know You…
The sea is not made by one cloud
pouring its water into it.
It is made by clouds and clouds
and clouds that empty
I pour their waters onto the Earth
and flow into the sea.
I will be a cloud.
The sea will be Christianity
I want
to spread the knowledge of You
to contribute in forming
the sea of Christendom”.

According to what Maria Valtorta saw and wrote in “The Gospel as revealed to me”, Syntyche and John of Endor founded the first Christian community outside Israel, in Antioch (about 700 km north of Jerusalem). In chapter 461 Jesus receives a letter from Syntyche in which she explains that John of Endor is dead and she tells about other surrounding elements. In these lines, now alone in Antioch, Syntyche declares to Jesus, with poetic elegance, what her mission is now: to form the sea of ​​Christianity, at that time a small spring pool.

2000 years have passed since those days and the history of Christianity has been filled with countless events, both splendid and gloomy. The Johns of Zebedee and the Judas Iscariot have gradually reappeared in various characters of the Church doing wonders and, unfortunately, havoc. However, the mandate of Jesus has not changed by a single comma: making and expanding the sea of ​​Christianity is still the fundamental task of anyone who follows Jesus (cf. Mt 28, 18-19). Syntyche’s strong desire was to become a cloud full of Christian love, to the point of overflowing and thus forming and expanding the Christian sea. Christianity today is, unfortunately, a minority, and the expansive force in every direction seems to have slowed down. It seems, but it’s not true at all! The Holy Spirit, who is the soul of the Church and of Christianity, continues to descend into hearts, but it is we men who no longer want to correspond. Faith seems to have been cooled by the black waters of the world and its interests, and so we have very often forgotten Heaven. However, Heaven has not forgotten us and continues to descend to earth.

St. John Paul II, to re-ignite faith in Christ Jesus and in his Church, had launched the idea of ​​a New Evangelization towards all men. Maria Valtorta had already written about it prophetically, commenting on the first four chapters of the Apocalypse (Q45-50 p. 522). The New Evangelization is not founded on new doctrines, but on the effort to generate a new enthusiasm for Jesus. Only in this way can the hearts and minds of all be renewed, starting with those consecrated in Baptism. Then we too, men and women of the Christian 21st century, must become a “cloud”, as she wished to be Syntyche. Spiritual cloud, overflowing faith, hope and charity, that is, of that fire which is the Holy Spirit. The miraculous writings of Maria Valtorta are a very valid tool in this sense, but on the absolute condition that we fill ourselves with them to the point of overflowing with them, as Syntica wished and prayed. All this is necessary because this New Evangelization also depends on each of us: yes, the eternal salvation of souls can also depend on me and on you. The “sea of ​​Christianity” must once again widen; even in places where it resembles the Aral Sea – polluted and almost dried up –, thanks to the enthusiasm coming from the New Evangelization, it can and must come back to life, and thus be life for an immeasurable number of fish, that is of souls.

What Saint Ignatius of Loyola did in the sixteenth century, with his Spiritual Exercises, can be done today with the writings of Maria Valtorta. So we become clouds of Trinitarian Love, also using Valtortian writings, to fill and expand everywhere the great sea of ​​Christendom.