Newsletter n. 10/21 – Heaven opens up

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Next Tuesday 12 October 2021 is the 60th anniversary of Maria Valtorta’s death.
It is a date to celebrate, and we want to do it in Viareggio, where Maria Valtorta lived, in that house so loved for the gifts she had there, and for so long. If for the first 27 years of her life she had toured various places in Italy, for another 37 she remained fixed – and then literally nailed – in Viareggio (excluding the time of compulsory displacement in Sant’Andrea di Compito). Here is what Maria Valtorta wrote when she returned: «Now all that remains is the great peace of being here. It is as if the house embraces me … and with the house my dead, and with them I find ‘my’ little Paradise lost in April, and everyone returns, everyone, everyone, as then. And all for me. I call it the house of my love, this one, and it is. Here I loved God, knowing him more and more, up to the present knowledge, as his spokesperson. Here I had the first caresses that marked me, I believe, even organically. Here I learned to love Mom as she is to be loved. Here I became ‘little John’. And now Jesus has consecrated it to me by calling it the ‘house of Nazareth’».
On this anniversary there will also be an absolutely unexpected novelty that makes our hearts rejoice: the Archbishop of Lucca, Msgr. Paolo Giulietti, will celebrate Holy Mass for her in the parish church of Sant‘Andrea. When a few months ago, Francesco Penati, a director of the Foundation, and I made the request, we thought, in all frankness, that we would receive a kind refusal. Instead – praise be to the Most High – without any hesitation Msgr. Giulietti accepted to be among us in such an authoritative way. It is the first time that a Bishop of the Diocese of Lucca celebrates for Maria Valtorta, it had never happened. Despite the great initial difficulties, starting with Msgr. Carinci also other Bishops had exposed themselves in favor of Maria Valtorta and her work; but now it is precisely the Ordinary of the Diocese who intervenes, he who bears the burden – and the honor, in our opinion – of any ecclesial recognition. The perseverance and prayers of many have achieved a first result.
Obviously we of the Maria Valtorta Onlus Foundation are very happy with this fact, we praise the Lord and publicly thank Msgr. Giulietti. However, one must carefully avoid drawing hasty and meaningless conclusions. After having adequately publicized this important anniversary, some interpretations must be clarified immediately so that it is not misunderstood.
1) Msgr. Paolo Giulietti shows attention, listening, openness and interest in what happens around the person of Maria Valtorta and her work; open to all events that could happen, but that’s all and nothing more.
2) It is not a question of the hoped, already by Maria Valtorta, for approval by the Church – not even by the local one – of her written work or even of her person. It is not a “nihil obstat”, but a “continue to deepen, to study, to make known”. It is therefore not the beginning – let alone the conclusion – of the beatification process.
May this event, to be celebrated and savored, be a new impetus for the New Evangelization through Maria Valtorta:

  • let us help each other to be present on Tuesday 12 October from 8.30 pm;
  • let’s tell the world, especially that of Valtortian readers;
  • let us continue to pray fervently and in every way, for the Church to welcome Maria Valtorta and approve her, together with her work.

– don Ernesto Zucchini