Newsletter n. 14/22 – De la Conférence 2021 à la Conférence 2022: “Io sono Giuda” (“Je suis Judas”)

Le 29 octobre s’est tenue la Conférence Valtortienne annuelle, à cette occasion internationale. Y ont pris part des invités prestigieux que nous remercions, et nous soulignons l’honneur que l’archevêque de Lucques, Mgr Giulietti, nous a fait, de participer à la session du matin, apportant également un salut bref mais significatif et encourageant. Les vidéos de […]

Newsletter n. 14/22 – From the 2021 Conference to the 2022 Conference: “Io sono Giuda” (“I am Judas”)

On 29 October the annual Valtortian Conference was held, on this occasion also international. Prestigious guests took part, whom we thank, and we point out the honor that the Archbishop of Lucca, Mons. Giulietti, did us, by partecipating in the morning session, also bringing a brief but significant and encouraging greeting. The videos of all […]